We need to understand basic programming concepts like input and output.
Write a program that asks for your name, and then prints “Hello, Mr. <name>!”.
In python, the basic output is print().
print("Hello, my name is Mr. Appledog!")
This allows you to print messages to the console.
Now lets explore what a variable is.
name = "Appledog" print("Hello, my name is Mr. " + name + "!")
Here we store some information and use it later. We store the name “Appledog” in a variable called “name”. You could also call the variable “x”, or any other word.
name = input("What is your name? ") print("Hello, my name is Mr. " + name + "!")
This is the final version of the instruction program. Now we ask the students to write their own program:
Problem 1: Input your first name and last name, and write “Hello <firstname> <lastname>!”
a = input("What is your first name? ") b = input("What is your last name? ") print("Hi, Mr. " + a + " " + c + ".")
Mark: 100%
Comment: Many students don't format the English correctly, or forget to include a space between the two words. In such a case they should lose 5% for the mistake.