The second thing I taught the class was random numbers.
import random x = random.randint(1,10) print(x)
What is the answer? The students were amazed when the number was different each time!
Then I said, let's combine the two ideas, and we did this:
import random x = random.randint(1,31) if x == 31: print("Appledog") elif x == 13: print("Tim") elif x == 17: print("Ray") else: print(x)
This program printed a name, of their friend, or, the student number. It was the focus of the entire class, to let them play with this idea.
Their homework was to write a “scissor, paper, stone” game. Many of them finished it within 1 class.
Write a scissor paper stone game.
import random while True: print ("a. Scissor") print ("b. Paper") print ("c. Stone") print ("q. quit") guess = input("Your guess (abcq)? ") answer = random.randint(1,3) if guess == 'q': quit() if answer == 1: print("The computer chose scissor!") if answer == 2: print("The computer chose paper!") if answer == 3: print("The computer chose stone!")
if answer == 1: print("The computer chose scissor!") if guess == 'a': print("It's a tie!") elif guess == 'b': print("You win!") else: print("You lose!") # and so forth
The answers may be similar but point out that the logic can be condensed.