Table of Contents
- Today I will do a lesson on functions.
Note: This lesson might even be skipped, given that pyhang does not require functions.
- What is a function?
- Benefits of functions?
- How are functions used?
- How to make a function (see examples below)
Part 1: What's a function? Making functions
Start Code
Show this to the students. Does it work? What do we need to do?
x = 5 y = 3 a = add(x, y) s = sub(x. y) m = mul(x, y) d = div(x, y) print(a, s, m, d)
Mid Code
Writing the four functions
End Code
adding idiv(), irem()
Part 2: Refactoring a rot13 program
Start Code
We start here, and the journey is to refine the code and learn about functions as we move towards the end code.
a = "hello" for c in a: i = ord(c) # upper case if i >= 65 and i <= 90: i = i + 13 if i > 90: i = i - 26 # lower case if i >= 96 and i <= 122: i = i + 13 if i > 122: i = i - 26 print(b, end='')
End Code
def main(): a = input("Enter the code: ") while a != "end": print(rot13(a)) print("") a = input("Enter the next code: ") def rot13(a): r = "" for c in a: r += rot13_letter(c) return r def rot13_letter(c): i = ord(c) # capital letters if is_letter(c): i = i + 13 if not is_letter(chr(i)): i = i - 26 return chr(i) def is_letter(c): i = ord(c) if i >=65 and i <= 90: return True elif i >= 96 and i <= 122: return True else: return False if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Part 3: 3n+1 example
Now the students must do things on their own.
Start Code
n = 10 while n > 1: if n % 2 == 0: # Even n = n // 2 else: # Odd n = 3 * n + 1 print(str(n)) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
End Code
def main(): n = input("Please enter a number: ") n = int(n) c = 0 print("Start: " + str(n), end = '') while n > 1: print(', ', end = '') c = c + 1 if c % 10 == 0: print("") if n % 2 == 0: n = n // 2 # Even else: n = 3 * n + 1 # Odd print(str(n), end = '') print(".") print(f"There were {c} numbers.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()
functions.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/20 07:45 by appledog