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PHP Variables
- The second Roger/Charles class, on Oct. 14, 2022.
What's a variable and what can you do with it?
First, we already saw we can store something from readLine() in a variable:
<?php $n = readLine("What is your name? "); $f = readLine("What is your favourite fruit? "); echo "Hello, Mr. "; echo $n . "!\n"; echo "Do you want to eat " . $f . "?\n"; ?>
We can add variables together.
<?php $a = readLine("a = "); $b = readLine("b = "); echo $a . " + " . $b . " = " . $a+$b . "\n"; ?>
Testing variables with IF
We can also determine what to do based on what's in a variable.
<?php $name = readLine("What is your name? "); $fruit = readLine("What is your favourite fruit? "); if ($fruit == "poo") { echo "Ewwwwww!\n"; echo $name . " is bad!\n"; } else if ($fruit == "banana") { echo "{$name} is good.\n"; echo "I also like {$fruit}. Yum!\n"; } else { echo "Hello, {$name}.\n"; } ?>
We can also store numbers and do operations on those numbers.
<?php $a = 5172; $b = 171; echo $a * $b; echo "\n"; ?>
php_variables.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/06 05:16 by appledog