Table of Contents
PyGame Framework
This is a lighter version of pygame terminal, without the terminal stuff, mainly used for quickly making a 2d arcade style game. We will quickly go over the main points and then discuss changes and patterns discovered over the past several projects.
- Press Start 2P (an arcade font)
- CLACON2 (Classic Console 2)
- IBM VGA 8×16 (based on 8×14 EGA)
- IBM VGA 9×16 The most well-known VGA text font.
from Window import * from Game import * def main(): window = Window() window.setSize(800,600) window.setCaption("PyGame Framework Example") window.setFont("clacon2.ttf", 32) game = Game(window) game.start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Note that the window will not usually appear until the events loop (“for event in pygame.event.get()”) later.
drawText is included here, since it is a kind of convenience function. If you don't need this you don't need the setFont() in main() or the TTF file either.
import pygame class Window: def __init__(self): pygame.init() def setLogo(self, filename): self.logo = pygame.image.load(filename) pygame.display.set_icon(self.logo) return self.logo def setCaption(self, cap): pygame.display.set_caption(cap) def setSize(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.size = (width, height) self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) return self.screen def setFont(self, filename, size): pygame.font.init() self.font = pygame.font.Font(filename, size) font_width, font_height = self.font.size("@") self.fontwidth = font_width self.fontheight = size - 2 return self.font def drawText(self, at_x, at_y, text, color): text_surface = self.font.render(text, False, color) x = self.fontwidth * at_x y = self.fontheight * at_y self.screen.blit(text_surface, (x + 2, y))
New addition. One of the things we discovered is the need for a “class Constants” or “Globals” sometimes, and screen related things like FPS are kept here. This is required sometimes by sprites to calculate their updates.
Here, margin and gametop are used as display boundaries for things like sprites so text can be drawn at the top of the screen and things stay within the edges of the screen. The most important parts are WIDTH and HEIGHT. A big question is, should Screen and Window be merged?
A number of changes. One, instead of display.flip() we use display.update(). Second, instead of time.sleep(1 / 60) to get 60 FPS we use clock.tick(60).
Some extra framework code was added for convenience, mainly the key event stuff. However, please note that the pygame window will not usually appear until the “for event in pygame.event.get()” loop.
import pygame import time from Screen import * class Game: def __init__(self, window): self.window = window self.screen = window.screen self.font = window.font # Set up game variables (see notes) self.running = True def start(self): # Clock for controlling the frame rate clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Variables to keep track of time, if needed frame_counter = 0 time_start = time.time() * 1000 # Main Loop while self.running == True: # Manage time for timed events like animations time_clock = (time.time() * 1000) - time_start frame_counter += 1 if frame_counter > Screen.FPS: frame_counter = 1 # All event handling self.checkEvents() # Frame generation self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) # Clear the screen. self.drawGame() pygame.display.update() # update the display. Can also use flip() # Control the frame rate clock.tick(Screen.FPS) def drawGame(self): self.window.drawText(0, 2, "it works!", "gray") def checkEvents(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False return if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: # key down event, process keys. if event.key == pygame.K_q: self.quit_game() if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: self.quit_game() if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: print("left") elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: print("right") elif event.key == pygame.K_UP: print("up") elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN: print("down") else: pass def quit_game(self): print("Exiting game...") pygame.quit() quit() exit()
This is an important file because it allows us to set and use standard colors.
class Color: WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GRAY = (127, 127, 127) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) # VGA Colors (in hexadecimal) VGA_BLACK = 0x000000 # Color 0 VGA_BLUE = 0x0000AA # Color 1 VGA_GREEN = 0x00AA00 # Color 2 VGA_CYAN = 0x00AAAA # Color 3 VGA_RED = 0xAA0000 # Color 4 VGA_MAGENTA = 0xAA00AA # Color 5 VGA_BROWN = 0xAA5500 # Color 6 VGA_LIGHT_GRAY = 0xAAAAAA # Color 7 VGA_DARK_GRAY = 0x555555 # Color 8 VGA_LIGHT_BLUE = 0x5555FF # Color 9 VGA_LIGHT_GREEN = 0x55FF55 # Color 10 VGA_LIGHT_CYAN = 0x55FFFF # Color 11 VGA_LIGHT_RED = 0xFF5555 # Color 12 VGA_LIGHT_MAGENTA = 0xFF55FF # Color 13 VGA_YELLOW = 0xFFFF55 # Color 14 VGA_WHITE = 0xFFFFFF # Color 15 # Array of VGA colors for easy access by index vga_color = [ VGA_BLACK, # 0 VGA_BLUE, # 1 VGA_GREEN, # 2 VGA_CYAN, # 3 VGA_RED, # 4 VGA_MAGENTA, # 5 VGA_BROWN, # 6 VGA_LIGHT_GRAY, # 7 VGA_DARK_GRAY, # 8 VGA_LIGHT_BLUE, # 9 VGA_LIGHT_GREEN, # 10 (A) VGA_LIGHT_CYAN, # 11 (B) VGA_LIGHT_RED, # 12 (C) VGA_LIGHT_MAGENTA, # 13 (D) VGA_YELLOW, # 14 (E) VGA_WHITE # 15 (F) ]
If you need it, and you have sound files, you can do something like this:
import pygame as a class Sound: def __init__(self): a.mixer.init() dir = 'assets/sound/' self.sounds = {} #self.sounds["laser"] = a.mixer.Sound(dir+'laser1.wav') #self.sounds["laser"].set_volume(0.15) #self.sounds["boom"] = a.mixer.Sound(dir+'boom6.wav') #self.sounds["boom7"] = a.mixer.Sound(dir+'boom7.wav') #self.sounds["start"] = a.mixer.Sound(dir+'start4.wav') #self.sounds["pellet"] = a.mixer.Sound(dir+'pellet.wav') def play(self, sound): if sound in self.sounds: self.sounds[sound].play() else: print(f"There is no {sound} sound!")
Sprite Objects
If you need it, you can try this:
A basic square
import pygame import time from Color import * from Screen import * # Define the Player Sprite class class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite): SPEED = 5 SIZE = 20 COLOR = Color.WHITE def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Create a surface for the Player self.image = pygame.Surface((self.SIZE, self.SIZE)) # Fill the surface with a color self.image.fill(self.COLOR) # Get the rectangle for positioning self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # Set the initial position = (Screen.WIDTH // 2, Screen.HEIGHT // 2) def update(self): # Restrict positioning to screen. if self.rect.x < 0: self.rect.x = 0 if self.rect.x > Screen.WIDTH - self.SIZE: self.rect.x = Screen.WIDTH - self.SIZE if self.rect.y < 0: self.rect.y = 0 if self.rect.y > Screen.HEIGHT - self.SIZE: self.rect.y = Screen.HEIGHT - self.SIZE # Easier to read, but, slower. #self.rect.x = max(0, min(self.rect.x, Screen.WIDTH - self.SIZE)) #self.rect.y = max(0, min(self.rect.y, Screen.HEIGHT - self.SIZE))