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Pygame Terminal II

  • A more advanced version of Pygame Terminal


In Pygame Terminal we discussed a very basic kind of game terminal. This can be used to create many kinds of games such as the Robots game.

However, we may like to increase the functionality of this framework by adding a few quality of life features.

Pygame Terminal Major Changes

The first major change is in the Game class draw loop. The first part of the Game class now looks like this:

import pygame

class Game:
    def __init__(self, window):
        self.window = window
        self.screen = window.screen
        self.logo = window.logo
        self.font = window.font

        # Game Data
        self.FPS = 60
        self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    def start(self):
        while True:

    def draw(self):
        self.screen.fill((0, 0, 0))  # Clear the screen
        self.drawText(0, 2, "it works!", "gray")

    def update(self):

    def checkEvents(self):
        cmd = ""
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:

            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                # key down event, process keys.

                if event.key == pygame.K_q:

    def drawText(self, at_x, at_y, text, color):
        text_surface = self.font.render(text, False, color)
        x = self.window.fontwidth * at_x
        y = self.window.fontheight * at_y
        self.screen.blit(text_surface, (x + 2, y))

    def quit(self):

As you can see we have moved to using self.clock.tick(self.FPS), and have split the check events and update loops. We will also add a quit function. The quit function will have more importance later, such as if we need to save game state when exiting.

update() is important because, until now, we have been responding to the user's input as it happens, and we have been 'tagging along' mob movement and game system updates to this directly (as in the robots game). However, to be more strict we should keep these in an update() function which updates the game state even if the player is not typing anything. This allows for more freedom in how the game could be designed, such as in the javascript Shooty Ships game.

Game state and update()

Since we are going to have a game state that will be update()'d every frame, there needs to be a standard way of representing the state of the screen. Normally this is done by drawText()'ing whatever you need, and it just works. However, this is a simplistic approach which will hamstring our ability to fully develop our terminal-esque simulation. What we want to do next is follow the path of VT development in the past and move from a screen towards a terminal. Thus, the terminal class is born.

First let's add and discuss the class, then we will integrate it into the Game class.

Class Character

You will first need a simple Character class for Class Terminal:

class Character:
    def __init__(self, ch = ' ', color = 'gray'): = ch
        self.color = color

This just allows us to move color data to a per-color basis. Later we can add a background color or define ANSI colors. We will save that for Pygame Terminal III.

Class Terminal

from Character import Character
import threading

class Terminal:
    def __init__(self, cols, rows):
        self.cols = cols
        self.rows = rows
        self.interval = 0.535 # 535ms

        self.buf = [[0 for x in range(cols)] for y in range(rows)]

        for y in range(rows):
            for x in range(cols):
                self.buf[y][x] = Character()

    def setch(self, x, y, ch, color):
        self.buf[y][x].ch = ch
        self.buf[y][x].color = color

    def putch(self, ch, color):
        self.buf[][].ch = ch
        self.buf[][].color = color = + 1
        if >= (self.cols-1):
   = 0
   = + 1

        if >= (self.rows-1):
            print("scroll screen")

    def delch(self): = - 1
        if < 0:
   = 0

        self.buf[][].ch = ' '
        self.buf[][].color = 'gray'

    # Function to schedule the timer to repeat
    def repeat_timer(self): = not
        #print(f"Cursor state: {'On' if else 'Off'}")
        if self.interval > 0.1:
            threading.Timer(self.interval, self.repeat_timer).start()


One notable addition here is the cursor. I believe that 535ms is the speed of the original IBM-PC DOS terminal. On WIN11 systems today (2023) and on some ubuntu systems it is shown as 530ms. On a C-64 I believe the speed was 750ms.

We couldn't do the cursor unless we had access to a map of the screen to preserve the underlying character's state, so having the Terminal class was a prerequisite to doing a cursor of course.

draw() in Terminal

If you have been following along from Pygame Terminal you will see that drawText() is in Game, and no draw() function was provided by Terminal. However, one should be.

In an early version of PyHack I copied the levelmap into the buf before drawing it:

    def drawGame(self):
        for y in range(self.level.h):
            for x in range(self.level.w):
                self.term.setch(x, y+2,[y][x], 'gray')

        for y in range(self.term.rows):
            for x in range(self.term.cols):
                ch = self.term.buf[y][x].ch
                color = self.term.buf[y][x].color
                self.drawText(x, y, ch, color)

        # draw cursor
            self.drawText(,, '_', 'gray')

This was the initial integration, but it seemed to make more sense that the drawText part and the cursor part could have (should have) been included in Terminal. When we try to do this, we see that the drawText() method shouldn't be in Game, but in Window(!!) This way, Game can pass it to Terminal, and not have to pass itself (Game) to Terminal. That makes more flow-sense.

First, add this to Terminal:

Added to Class Terminal

    def draw(self, window):
        for y in range(self.rows):
            for x in range(self.cols):
                ch = self.buf[y][x].ch
                color = self.buf[y][x].color
                window.drawText(x, y, ch, color)

        # draw cursor
            window.drawText(,, '_', 'gray')

Next, you can add this to Window:


 def drawText(self, at_x, at_y, text, color):
      text_surface = self.font.render(text, False, color)
      x = self.fontwidth * at_x
      y = self.fontheight * at_y
      self.screen.blit(text_surface, (x+2, y))


After you delete drawText() from Game, The terminal will have been fully abstracted out of the Game class. The Game class makes updates using term.setch or term.putch, and there is no special thing done other than to draw it. If a special draw function is needed one could be constructed. But in general Game no longer needs to call drawText() as if it was managing the screen instead of Terminal.

Creating a LP/TTY device

The first thing we need to do is create a lp-style output device. This will require the function putch and the helper functions cr and lf.

Secondly we will need to add functions such as “delch” and “gotoxy”.

pygame_terminal_ii.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/06 01:58 by appledog

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