Table of Contents
Hello Neo
Welcome to the website.
This is a wiki in which I record the way in which I taught programming to my son, Neo, since he was eight years old. He's much older now, and I have updated these lessons as I continue to teach programming to other kids.
NKJC Season 1
- Nankuang Java Course (Season 1) – This course is aimed at senior high school students.
Season 1: PHP
Python Season 1
Python Season 1 introduces all the basic data types and concepts such as classes.
- Basics II Random Numbers
- Basics III List Structure – Advanced
- Functions The fourth lesson in this series.
- Lists The fifth lesson in this series
- Lists II Lesson six, about data structures.
- PyHang Game – Hangman – a simple game which illustrates the use of lists and string indexing.
- Dice Class – Classes and String Operations
- PyBog – Word search game, operating on a 2d array(list).
- Recursion in Python – recursion examples
Python Season 2
When teaching people with more experience and with longer classes (ex. 2h).
To Be Done
- PyType – A typing game to reinforce lessons and introduce time.time_ns() etc.
- PyQuest I – A simple A/B/C adventure game. Can introduce classes here.
- PyRobots – robots in pure text in python
(At this point we can probably introduce pygame).
PyGame Framework
Sometime during season 2 or 3 we may develop this.
Fonts and other things used in these projects
- Press Start 2P (an arcade font)
- CLACON2 (Classic Console 2)
- IBM VGA 8×16 (based on 8×14 EGA)
- IBM VGA 9×16 The most well-known VGA text font.
- Example 'Logo' file logo32x32.png
- PyGame Sprites I – Introducing Pygame Sprites
Python Season 3
Python season 2 demonsrates how the basic concepts can be used by making games out of them! Since it is a more advanced class, we will structure most of the games around the PyGame Terminal, however, we will not always use it.
Python Season 4
- tkinter pack The pack tutorial, featuring codemaster 1.0.
- tkinter calc The basic calculator, teaching .grid() and exploring classes for windows.
- tkinter calc ii Teaching binding, to increase User Experience.
- tkinter quiz show The Quiz Show! A quiz game, featuring radio buttons and more!
Python Season 5
Python Season 6 (3d)
JavaScript Season 1
JavaScript Season 2
JavaScript Season 3
JavaScript Season 4
- APSC Phase 1 program collection APCS Phase 1